Summer Buzz and Updates

With just two weeks until school resumes, here are recent stories we’ve posted this summer. For all the latest, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, where we have been posting daily pictures of the summer construction and faculty summer stipend trips.

  Click here  to view the Summer Buzz online.

Anyone who saw the School this spring will not recognize it this summer. For the big picture, this is what’s happening: the original school building, 52 East 62nd Street, stands completely gutted on the five floors between the Upper and Lower Gyms. We are in the final year of the five-stage physical transformation of Browning! Click here to read a midsummer update from Headmaster Clement, as well as a series of pictures taken by Jeremy Katz ’04, director of communications design, which show the progress of work to date.

The Summer Buzzer, which can be viewed online by clicking here, is chock full of features focused on the School’s first Biodiversity Day, the Form II trip to Washington, D.C., Faculty Symposium, Graduation and the PA Spring Benefit. Our cover story features James Chanos who retired from the Board of Trustees after 17 years of service, 15 as President.

Earlier this year, Headmaster Clement announced his decision to retire as Headmaster on June 30, 2016, his 28th year at Browning. The Board has established a search committee who recently sent out an update to the community on their efforts to recruit the sixth Head of Browning. Click here to read the letter.
