Annual D.C. Trip is a Treat for Middle School

Head of Middle School Chris Dunham reports on the trip taken by Form II boys to Washington D.C. for three days during the week of April 22: "The boys had a superb time. The weather was as good as D.C. can offer, and that allowed for many excellent frisbee tosses on the National Mall in between more cultural experiences. The boys, along with Ms. Suarez, Mr. Young and me, saw many significant memorials, including The Vietnam War, World War II and Lincoln Memorials. They also had profound experiences at the Holocaust Museum and Newseum. Another major highlight was meeting with lobbyists from the Nuclear Energy Institute and getting a behind the scenes tour of The Capitol from Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney's aides. On the lighter side of things, the boys took in a Washington Nationals baseball game and tested their James Bond knowledge at the Spy Museum. All in all, a terrific trip!"
