Curtain Rises on “Rent”

The curtain rises tonight, Thursday, January 30, on “Rent,” as three Upper School Browning boys join the cast of the Brearley School’s winter drama performance also featuring students from York Preparatory. This evening’s performance begins at 7:00 p.m., with repeat performances on Friday, January 31, at 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, February 1 at 7:00 p.m.; all take place on Brearley’s stage. Seating is reserved and limited, so if you have not yet secured a ticket, please hurry! 

The cast has been working on “Rent” since mid-November, with one Browning boy reporting, “The production has been going wonderfully. We managed to learn all the songs and stage all of the scenes before our winter break, so we had plenty of time to polish the show. It’s looking great, and I’m very excited for the performances to begin.”

If you are looking for a cozy indoor venue to chase away the winter doldrums, attending “Rent” may be just the answer. Here’s wishing our Browning boys and their fellow cast members the best of luck! Performance photos were taken by photographer Julia Derby.
