Form V and VI Boys Participate in School's 20th Annual College Trip

On Wednesday, September 25, Forms V and VI boarded a bus to embark on Browning's 20th annual college trip, as reported by Upper School Head James Reynolds: Organized and led by Director of College Guidance Sanford Pelz, the boys visited seven colleges or universities in central New York state over three days. Also along on the trip were Mr. Reynolds, English Department Chair Michael Ingrisani, and Classics teacher Brett Wisniewski. On the first day of the trip, students toured and dined at Hamilton College and at Colgate University. Thursday was a busy day as the students visited Syracuse University, Hobart-William Smith Colleges and the University of Rochester. The final day included visits to Ithaca College and Cornell University.

As designed, the trip created a wonderful opportunity for the Form V and VI students to explore a variety of colleges, ranging from a small private institution (Hamilton with 1,800 undergrads) to mid-size schools (Colgate with 3,000 and Ithaca with 6,000) to a large city university (Syracuse with 13,000 and Cornell with 14,000) and to see schools in different settings. The boys also had an opportunity to catch up with several Browning alumni who are currently students at the schools on the trip: Teddy Altman '11 at Hamilton; Wilfred Wallis '13 at Rochester; Harrison Asen '10 at Ithaca; and Ibi Diallo '12, Michael Gabrellian '13, Aleksandr Schiavetta '12 and Nick Stieg '11 at Cornell. The students were attentive and inquisitive as they explored the seven campuses while they begin to make their personal college lists. This trip, which is unique to Browning, provides our students with real experience and information as they look towards their academic futures beyond Browning.
