Parents Attend School-Sponsored Session On Cyber Safety

On October 7, Browning parents attended an information session at the School on the subject of “cyber safety” and what they can do to be sure their sons are safe.

The topics covered included the online dangers children are susceptible to and what to be aware of; teens and “sexting,” popular apps and how to use them safely; quick and easy settings to increase child safety online; how to set restrictions on iPhones, iPads and iPods, and cell phone monitoring.

Presented by Liz Repking, founder of Cyber Safety Consulting (, the program addressed these issues in such a way that parents who might have been uncomfortable and even intimidated by the technology their sons use came away with a better sense of understanding and control.

PA President Ken Metz commented, "I think what I took away from the presentation, and what I hope most of the attending parents took away as well, is that there is no silver bullet in regard to this issue of cyber safety. There is no master website we can employ to keep our children safe in the cyber world. It will take knowledge, commitment and real work to stay involved with, and to stay ahead of, the constantly developing technology that our children are exposed to and use daily.It will take real effort on our part as parents."
