2019 7/8 Basketball Red

The Red team finished their season with a 7-9 record. The boys started the first half of the season with a 5-2 record, and during this time, they displayed excellent ball movement and spacing within their offensive sets. Their biggest win of the first part of the season came against Riverdale School, which marked the first time in seven years that a Browning 7/8 grade team has defeated Riverdale.

            The winter break broke up some of the Panthers’ momentum, and they dropped the first four games afterward. The team was competitive in all of their games, and over the course of the season, each player improved his skills. Team captain Eric Sagarna recorded a team high average in points per game at 15ppg and totals 247 points on the season. Defensive standout and co-captain Ethan Fitzpatrick led the team in total steals per game with an average of four per game. The team hopes to rebuild next year, with our seventh graders gaining leadership roles on the team. Best of luck to all of the eighth graders on the team in their future athletic endeavors.

–Coaches Blake and Phelps

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