2017 Junior Varsity Soccer

The junior varsity soccer team had a rebuilding year, with only five returning players from the 2016 squad. The Panthers played in some competitive contests, but they were unable to earn a victory and finished the season with an 0-8 record. 

The Browning team’s youth and inexperience playing together was tough to overcome in a short soccer season, especially when stacked against experienced and highly skilled opponents in the NYCAL conference. Improvements were made by each player throughout the season, and the boys’ understanding of how to play with better alignment and cohesion also increased as the season progressed. The team members were consistently positive and supportive of one another, and their effort was never in question. The team’s co-captains were Form V boys Raymond Diaz and Tommy Ramirez, who both did a commendable job.

Coach Richard Symons and Coach Lauck Blake

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